
Respiratory Protection Made in AIR

Technology - innovation - user experience

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The story of AIR Safety Company begins in Santiago, Chile, in March 2016, when we started operations with the goal of raising the standard of safety in respiratory protection.

In 2018, we embarked on Generation I, an internationalization process initially opening operations in Peru, followed by Guatemala, Colombia, Argentina, and Brazil.

In 2020, the AIR Safety Factory started operating in Santiago, Chile, becoming a strategic base to take on new challenges, incorporating specialized human capital, engineering, and technology into production lines, products, and accessories, marking the beginning of Generation II.

The application of research, development, and innovation to create new products became a strategic factor in AIR Safety’s operations, enabling the start of Generation III in 2024 by entering demanding markets like the United Kingdom, the starting point for expanding the brand to Europe and other continents.

Historia de AIR Safety para móviles
Imagen de fondo para dispositivos móviles

If we make more comfortable products, we make them better

Through training, we create safer work environments

The opinion of our users is our greatest achievement; from this, we evolve

Descripción de la imagen para móviles
texto de airlab móvil

All AIR respiratory protection elements are tested and subjected to tightness and particle filtration efficiency tests, among other tests required by American and European standards.


One of the most complete laboratories in the Americas


Advanced equipment for respirator and filter testing


Experts in quality and safety standards